Here is a wedding that is all about the drama plus lots of red and gold. The above red wedding bouquet was created with deep purple calla lily, red roses, black bacarra roses, red coxcomb, purple foliage’s, and cascading wired james story orchids. This bouquet was certainly unique and very artfully designed. The same gold wire that was used to cascade the orchids was also woven through the bouquet.
On this wedding we used the flowers for the centerpieces to create an altar for the couple. After the wedding the flowers were transitioned to long king sized tables.
This gave the couple stunning flowers for the ceremony as well as for the reception.
This was an absolutely beautiful and stunning wedding. Event planning and design by Lisa Schulz, The Posh Planner, photography by Genevieve Leiper, and flowers by me Holly Heider Chapple Flowers. Event location the Hotel Palomar DC.