To say that last weekend was seriously busy would be an understatement. We provided flowers for 8 different weddings. The above picture shows all 8 of my bridal bouquets and the fabulous team of designers that got us through the weekend. My husband Evan, son Alex and the amazing Peter, Albert, and Carlos also had a huge part in making the weekend a success. Thankfully our crew was right on target and we handled everything perfectly but I would be lying to you if I said there was not some serious stress along the way. We as a team handle things amazingly well, there’s lots of communication and constant rehashing of how the weekend will unfold. We do get a little stressy amongst us but for the most part we are in sync with each other and the stress or irritability is similar to what you would see in a family. What we can never be prepared for are the delays we will encounter along the way, like waiting for linens to be dropped, or waiting for the previous wedding to leave, or even traffic issues on a wedding property. We did get in a little trouble this weekend because our tire went off of the pavement and landed in someones precious grass. Honestly that is the biggest complaint we have ever had so it killed me that we made that error, but in the scheme of things I would simply have to call us rock stars. Here are some of the weekends designs. I will also say that one of the reasons the weekend turned out so large was I decided to donate flowers to a military couple in honor of 9/11. We also had a fabulous bride in her mid 60’s who decided to plan a wedding in under a month. Coming to her aid was an awesome experience and I will share her pictures with you tomorrow.

Notice, we also had two lighting projects managed by the new guy Evan, as well as a few prop and antique rentals!! I am really proud of us!!


  • Kelley Finnegan Says: (09.13.2011 | 12:49)

    Wow, you guys rock! Very impressive and very beautiful work!

  • my simple details Says: (09.13.2011 | 04:07)

    The blooms looked beautiful at Mary Katherine’s wedding! And Evan did a spectacular job. We’re so glad to work with you!

  • Petronela Says: (09.14.2011 | 07:34)

    Oh, everything is so beautiful!!!
    I just love your blog!

  • kris Says: (09.14.2011 | 05:33)

    Can’t wait to see the Love & Liberty blooms!

    • Holly Chapple Says: (09.15.2011 | 05:07)

      I know I am anxious to seem them so make sure I get some images and I will happily blog them!!!

  • Denise Benda Says: (09.18.2011 | 04:08)

    Those arrangements are amazing – I love how you marry colors so well!
    You are such an inspiration to me! I am a business owner, wife and mom of two and I get such a lift from reading your blog. After reading, I have such a “can do” feeling – keep up the hard work and beautiful designing!

  • Jessi Says: (09.21.2011 | 02:54)

    Just perusing through you work, all I can think to myself is – “please adopt me and teach me your ways….” Sounds a little odd – but I just adore your work and inspire to one day make beautiful creations like yours.

  • Julie Says: (02.21.2012 | 01:35)

    This is gorgeous! Where is this venue?

    • Holly Chapple Says: (02.22.2012 | 12:39)

      Please let me know which venue you liked and I will get you the name of the site!!

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