When we confirmed that we would be traveling to NYC for the chapel designers conference, designer Alicia Schwede suggested we try for tickets to the Martha Stewart Show. It just so happened that the show was taping the week we were visiting, in addition to that the offices were one block from our hotel. Again we were blessed with amazing coincidences and gifts on this entire trip. We lined up bright and early with coffee in hand.

Once inside we filled out questionnaire’s.

Me and Casey.

Alex, Isha, Robin, and Trish.

Cori and Alicia

The set of the show is truly beyond beautiful. Watching the process and the work that goes into everything was my favorite part.

After the taping there is a period where guests are allowed to take pictures, and ask Martha questions. Much to my surprise I turned around to see one of the Chapel Designers, Liz from Portland Oregon with mike in hand.

Being the motherly type I was so incredibly proud of this very young and new designer for standing up and telling Martha that the “chapel designers” had arrived in NYC but I have to admit I almost fell off of the chair. Due to the announcement that she was traveling with flower designers from across the country, we were offered a visit to the corp. offices of Martha Stewart. Before I could blink an eye, 15 of us were running down the streets of NYC in dress clothes and high heels. We ran 8 city blocks to make it to the offices in time for our impromptu tour, each one of us dragging a huge pillow from Macy’s and bags of loot from Martha. I would have loved to have a picture of us running down the streets, we had to be quite the sight!!!

Once inside the offices we stopped taking pictures as everything in the building is obviously private and or about to be published. We did take this one picture in the waiting room before the tour.

Now I will tell you how I fell in love with Martha on this tour.  I admire Martha and all she does, but honestly I am not a Martha guru simply because over the last 24 and a half years I have been a little busy having babies and building my own business. I did not even have cable until 5 months ago so I have missed a lot of TV, and magazines are something I would love to have a lot more time for. Seeing her offices and understanding how she works made me a Martha addict. The offices fill one whole NYC city block and over look the Hudson River. The restoration of the Hudson is also a foundation that is very important to Martha and yet another very cool thing about her. Natural light is present everywhere and we were told that if all of the windows were laid out side by side they would cover six miles. Another thing I loved was the fact that everything is under one roof; crafts, flowers, decor, cooking and all the magazines are under one roof just like one big diverse happy family and you know that felt like home to me!! A big huge thanks to all of the people that made this magic day happen. We were all so incredibly impressed and inspired. I have a new found love for all things Martha.



  • melissa Says: (03.23.2011 | 05:58)


  • Molly Says: (03.30.2011 | 12:32)

    You make me laugh! I am in awe of YOU!! You too seem to be an amazing designer, businesswoman and mother all at the same time. YOU have inspired me. Thank you.

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