I know a lot of you have had a wonderful time guessing who my mystery photographer is. You assumed because she photographed so many subjects and different designs that perhaps she actually lived here. The truth is the day she came to visit our shop it was hopping, it was the weekend we did 7 weddings. Mystery girl took the time to capture us all in action and I love the images she took of our shop. The above photograph was taken outside looking into our flower room. Many years ago our flower shop used to be my family room or our great room. Now the french doors provide us with lots of light to see our creations and easy access to the gardens.



Here I am being the conductor, I am either saying "no I want that, or do it like this." We have 3 other work stations in this room and one other station in the water room, but for some reason everyone likes to stand together at this table. Probably if you are working at another station you miss a lot of the conversation.


This is designer Debbie and you can see she is concentrating on her creation. Bringing a design to me for approval has become a bit of a joke. One of my new designers hums the death march as she brings designs to me for approval.  My designers always do a beautiful job, but often the vision for a design is totally in my head. If I reject one of their designs its not that it is unattractive, it's that it does not match my vision for the client. Often I need  to have my vision or design created by someone else's fingers, this of course is no easy task. The longer the designers work here the more they get to know my style or they need to develop ESP.




We used this "dine with us" sign for the buffet station at Melissa's wedding in June.  I just can't seem to erase the message, every time I look up  and see this sign I think of her. I guess I want to keep a little of Melissa with me everyday.


I love how awesome even the simple pictures are from this shoot, the ribbon, the scissors, the vases. Mystery girl did an incredible job photographing our shop, and the mess. Debbie is going to be really disappointed when she sees here beautiful ribbon display. I didn't  know the ribbon was such a mess until I saw this picture. We get so busy that we forget to put it away nicely, in truth by the end of the day we are all so tired we slam it up on the wall and hope it stays.






It has been so much fun to bring you these blog posts that have featured our very talented mystery photographer. Tomorrow I will reveal her name to you. I am incredibly grateful that I got to meet this photographer and I am so thrilled to have such awesome documentation of our shop and our designs.


See you tomorrow with my girls name and website.


  • Melissa Says: (07.28.2010 | 10:09)

    Holly, you are seriously the greatest. I LOVE that you haven’t erased the “Dine with us” and coincidently enough, I would like to have you in my life EVERY DAY as well! I love you more than pizza! (and I loooove pizza!) 😉

  • Laurie (Fleurie) Says: (07.29.2010 | 10:45)

    What a lovely inside look at your workspace. I wish I had the space! Well I do have the space, but it is my home. I have a tiny room I work out of, or my patio when weather is cool. Thanks for the photos.

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