With our growing inventory it became very clear that we needed a new shed. My business has completely filled the flower shop and the whole basement.  Evan and I purchased this shed in Lisbon MD. The arrival of our new storage space,was quite an exciting step for Holly Heider Chapple Flowers and for my little boy Sam. We now have enough room for all of our inventory and we will soon begin to offer some of our props as rental items.


The shed was delivered by one man.  He had a remote control device that actually shimmied the trailer around and then slowly the shed fell into place. 





Sam and designers Debbie and Jessie all had fun going inside for the first time.


With only two small weddings last weekend we were able to create all of the designs and  put them safe "in the cooler".  Once the weddings were finished we started the process of cleaning the shop and moving into our new shed. We removed tons of vases, lots of shelving and most of the furniture. A crew of men including my husband painted the shop over the weekend while we delivered the weddings. Today we have to get the rest of the stuff out of the shop so that we can clean the floors. Big Ughhh…


Here is the new color and some of our big mess.




This is the part of the post where I want to gag, I am embarrassed to admit that I do not like the color we painted the room.  When I left for the wedding delivery I returned to find the room half painted, at that point I knew I was not happy. When you have a team of men standing around they really don't care about your creative thoughts, they look at you like "come on lady  are your kidding me,  you don't like it". It took 6 people working all day on Sat. and 3 on Sunday to get the room painted. Guess what I have to live with it and every day I will be annoyed because it was almost right. If this had been for a client, I would have ripped the room to shreds. Since it is only for me, I will have to be grateful the room is at least clean and fresh. This happens all of the time when we are designing flowers, when I look at something and realize it is not perfect, I just add another element or remove whatever is offensive or quite frankly start over. It drives the designers crazy, but they understand my need for perfection and always oblige.  The painters and my husband Evan were not as willing as my flower shop girls, and honestly I did not have the guts, the funds, or the time for a redo.  First mistake I made was, picking the color in 5 minutes on the internet, but that is how my life goes sometimes. I did not know I was painting on Saturday, I got offered a team of men on Friday at 4:pm and all of a sudden I was off to the paint store. Picking paint takes time and a plan. It also takes an amazing eye, and for the life of me, in spite of the fact that I am extraordinary with color, I just can't seem to pick paint.  Perhaps I am only good with natural things. I am hoping when we get some fun furniture into the space that we can soften up the very bright green glow.  If not, you will hear me screaming in DC.

Here are a few of the designs from the weekend. The camera was buried in the shop when it was time to leave for the deliveries so we only have a few bouquet shots.


This bridal was created of yellow gerbers, hot pink gerbers, yellow callas, cream hydrangea and hot pink gloriosa lily. The lily was imported from Japan. Even with the volcanos last week, we were able to get every single bloom we promised. Super big success. 


This next bridal was created with lilac, pink peonies, purple carnations, hot pink ranunculus, purple freesia, lavender and dark purple stock, pink mokara orchids and hot pink roses. The colors were magnificent, the photography is not.




Maids carried bouquets of green viburnum from my garden, green cabbage roses, green spider mums, green berry and green hydrangea. My shop is about the color of this bouquet.

It is time to start a new week and begin life in our new shop. As many of you know, I lost a dear friend last week. I am trying to be grateful for the color I can see, the lunches I get to pack, and the true pleasure of just being alive.

  • Thea Daniel Says: (04.26.2010 | 07:29)

    Congratulation on the new space! I hope you get to repaint soon. I did the same thing with my house last year–don’t EVER pick paint online. It was supposed to be a nice terra cotta. Instead we got rusty orange. Since I have an a-frame house with white trim, it looks like a barn!

  • Annie Says: (04.26.2010 | 10:08)

    Gosh I completely relate to your paint color woes! I am HORRIBLE picking paint colors yet extraordinary with design. I just wish I could click it to perfection like I do with my graphic design work. I have the same experience of hating a green kitchen half way through my husband painting it…Living with it for 6 months everyday the color screaming at me (!!) and then finally getting hubby to repaint a cafe au lait color that doesn’t say anything to me. Haha. It’s as if I wrote that post – I feel the same way about picking paint. And it’s super frustrating since I’m good w color in so many other ways and a perfectionist when it comes to my work, too. The good news is…that green is so pretty! It is really very fun and reminds me of foliage. I think you’ll be just fine in there day to day. Just breathe. And remember in the future that green is the absolute hardest color to pick when it comes to paint. You did well. Maybe half the frustration is that the part of you that loves to tweak just can’t. It’s not an option…for now 🙂

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