"In the cooler " is going to be mostly pictures and very few words. I can't hear myself think, we have 8 additional kids over tonight and the house is totally spinning. Here are some of this weeks designs.










In addition to all of the wedding flowers, we are providing Caribbean flowers for a Memorial Day Party. We also started preparing a Chuppah for this Sunday's wedding. In fact we now have a full sized Chuppah in the middle of the family room. I can bet the kids sleeping over have never seen a Chuppah in anyone else's living room.


This week also marks the end of the preschool year for the boys. Here is Sam getting his end of the year diploma.


The below picture is of Elijah showing off his certificate.


Baby Grace totally enjoyed all of the parties at school.


Big sister Abby made it to Eli's graduation, sister Hannah came to Sam's special day.


This week has been amazing, busy, and just plain crazy. With the end of the school year coming my responsibilities with the kids will be increasing, primarily because the house turns into party zone. We also have only one more week to wait until Alex comes home from his internship in Europe. Alex is our oldest child. In one week we will all be together for the summer. I am totally excited about that…

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