Two months ago our dear friend and nanny Nico left this country. On the sixth of each month I will write Nico. Nico was in our home helping us raise our kids for the last eight years. Nico made it possible and enjoyable for Evan and I to have the big family we have, all while running our now very big business. Nico faithfully came to work everyday and never once asked for a sick day. Each year she would ask for just one day off so that she could attend her church retreat. On the 6th of December Nico returned to her homeland of Mexico. Due to the intense laws between Mexico and the United States it is unlikely that she will be able to return to this country. I hope to write these posts each moth to keep Nico up to date on our family. In the country she will not have internet or electricity for that matter, but when she travels to the city she hopefully will see our messages.
Grace finally had her big recital. Thankfully Alex, Mallary and Hannah all came home for the big day.
We used a bit too much makeup but Grace was still super cute.
Over the weekend we celebrated Grace’s birthday. Big sister Hannah made happy birthday donuts for Graces big day.
Grace also had a big girl party at Pump It Up.
It has been two months since you left. The last month has been bad, bad, bad!! If I had known how much I was going to miss you I would have begged you to stay in this country. I wanted to be supportive and honor your desire to go home but now I am just sick of this and I miss you so. I want you back!!! Why do things have to be so complicated. Why do we have to be separated. It’s as if someone locked up our sunshine. Every day I notice more and more how lucky we were to have you here. Evan and I just did our first business trip without you and it was so terrifying to leave the kids alone. I never ever feared traveling when you were in this house. I hated leaving them without you here.
Seeing you on facebook where I can’t touch and hug you is so odd. I wish we had other options, I wish you were here now. I am trying to be strong but I simply miss you. Everything is fine, the kids are fine, nothing is wrong, I just long to be with you. I miss everything about you!!! Our beautiful baby Grace turned five years old this month and you are as much a part of her as I am. I will forever remember the miracle of Grace and the way that you believed in her health. I know for certain that we were blessed to have you in this house. I hope you are safe, I hope you have the basic things you need. I wish I could give you hot water, grocery stores, hamburgers, electricity, cell phones, and countless other pleasures that we enjoy each day in this country.
Thankfully the only peace I have is that you are with your family and I know this has brought you great joy!!!
I talked with Hannah tonight and she told me that during your last six weeks in the house you were gathering little animals and bringing them to her bedroom. She said you called it her Zoo. I wanted you to know that Hannah told me today that she has her Zoo with her in Richmond and she sends you this message. Hola momma Nico, I miss you!! I brought the little animals you gave to me to my new apartment in Richmond. I hope everything is going well and I love and miss you.
We all love and miss you!!!!