This bridal bouquet was created last summer and it’s an absolute beauty. I used auswater pale pink cabbage roses, white patience cabbage roses, and white majolica spray roses to design this bouquet. This soft palette is amazingly romantic. Auswater roses are very hard to come by and they are super fragile. If you are a bride looking for a pale pink garden rose, please be patient with your florist when asking for this very special rose, acquiring this variety is always a really BIG MAYBE. A great substitution for this rose would be pale pink peony.
Maids wore periwinkle blue dresses and carried bouquets of pink majolica spray roses, white stock, light blue delphinium, and lavender stock.
Each table featured a gathering of lavender stock and blue delphinium, pink majolica spray roses, and white hydrangea with white polo roses.
We decorated the cake with a mix of the days flowers.
Many thanks to Connors Studios for the images, they are amazing!!