Now that the wedding season has slowed down, I have been on fire working diligently with designer Rachel Merkle of Miss Merkle Design. All of Holly Heider Chapple Flowers is getting a face lift and at my age and after 7 kids this was super needed. It will be a bit longer before I can show you my new website but I wanted to share with you some of the fun accomplishments we have made. First the new tag line for our flower shop will be “Gathered and Styled by Holly Heider Chapple.”
Look at these amazing labels Rachel created for us…
Rachel came up with the phrase “gathered and styled by Holly Chapple” and I think it totally embodies who I am, and how this studio designs. So you will see a lot more about this in the next few weeks. Because I am actively planning our floral designer conference called the Chapel Designers that design became the most pressing. Although Rachel and I loved the old Chapel Designers logo, I felt a more grown up sophisticated design would be appropriate for this very eclectic group of designers. The new Chapel Designers logo also refers to my ability to gather and style, and the Chapel Designers are one of the most important things I have ever gathered or styled. I LOVE my Chapel Designers and I could not have come this far in one year without the help of my amazing designer friends. I hope you like the direction our company is headed in and I hope you will meet me in NYC.
Rachel Merkle you are the bomb!!!!