This is it!! This is the week that we start designing full throttle and we will be pushing petals non stop from now until Thanksgiving. We are happy to be back to work and in full swing because it means we will be surrounded by incredible blooms almost daily, but this is also the week when I try and get all of the balls I juggle back up in the air.
I juggle and I juggle a lot, but these first weeks back in charge of everything, is an awkward dance I do. It's as if I am learning to juggle for the first time. I have to get all of the balls back in the air and jump in under them and pray they don't hit me on the head. The Winter allows for a slightly calmer time in my life, as if a house with 7 kids and a home based business can ever be called calm. In the Winter months we do not have to produce or write recipes. We primarily do consultations and contracts which happened to also be a 7 day a week job. Now that we are "live" again, we will be spending days writing recipes for our "flower buys", and we will spend many days a week standing at the design tables. Add to that chores like mowing the grass, planting, harvesting, end of school year activities, and actually delivering the wedding flowers, and well, you simply have a full schedule. It may seem from the outside looking in that we do all of this flawlessly and I will admit the designs are yes, pretty much flawless, but I am not. Tonight I burnt the peas. I was talking with a designer who needed me, working on the computer, half way watching my baby Grace as she spun around the house, and I forgot to juggle the ball of peas, so they got burnt. In fact I was not even making dinner I was just apparently supposed to be protecting it, and I blew that job.
Wedding vendors everywhere are all getting ready for the start of yet another wonderful wedding season. There is much talk right now about the royal wedding, but no wedding is as important as your wedding, the weddings we will be crafting for you. Wedding vendors are all hands-on craftsmen and they will be physically creating something for you, so please excuse us if we are away from our desks, or at an event. We wedding vendors will be trying to get all of the balls we juggle back up in the air, and watch out because some of us are human. Luckily it's always dinner that suffers, and sometimes the vacuuming, but not your designs! I burnt the peas last night!!
I hear you saying all this in your sweet Holly voice and I am excited for the madness. xoxo
I feel ya Girlie! 🙂 Keep up the good work!