Many of you are trying to figure out who my mystery photographer is and that is totally fun, no one has even come close. My mystery photographer has been working hard to get her new website and blog up for her launch, so be patient. I simply started the mystery bouquet parade because I was dying to share her work with you and I could not wait for her website to be finished, so hang in there it will only be a little while longer…
The first bridal bouquet was created with deep red peonies, black magic roses, black baccara roses and lots of red feathers. The bouquet was bound with a black suede ribbon that I found in San Francisco. This bouquet has lots of drama to go along with the mystery.
The second bouquet was created with at least 25 mini white callas. We collared the bouquet with white feathers and bound the bouquet in satin ribbon. Both of these bouquets were created for my HollyWood inspired wedding. Mystery photographer happened to stop by the day we were creating them just in time to make them famous.
ALL of your bouquets for this shoot have been fantastic! I can’t wait to see who this photographer is, love new work and talent!
I am dying to know who the mystery photographer is!!!