So far this week we have processed over 20,000 stems of flowers. In addition to that we are still expecting several very large deliveries. I didn’t mean to let the blog go this week but it might just have to be put on the back burner, if so, I am hoping you will forgive me. You will right?

For those of you who love and support this studio, thanks for hanging in there with us. We are really excited about this weeks projects and we will share images with you as quickly as we can. A huge thanks as always to the Chapel Designers for their constant encouragement and belief in me. Chapel Designers are arriving by plane, train, and automobile, to lend a helping hand this week. We are gonna kick some floral fanny!!!

  • Pam Morris Says: (09.18.2013 | 09:54)

    Glad for the update. When you miss several days of posting it is like not hearing from family members that you get a little worried about. I cannot even imagine 20,000 stems to be processed.

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