This fabulous bouquet was created for our bride Ellen. We used orange roses, hot pink roses, pink nerine lily, orange dahlia's from Don and bright green hydrangea. This is such a refreshing color combination because of the the bright happy tones.
The boutonnieres and corsages were the same mix of flowers but with baby spray roses instead.
We label these pieces to reduce confusion on the big day.
We can thank my blog for the table runners. Ellen fell in love with these table runners when she saw them under Colleen's wedding post. They were custom made for Colleen, so I knew she could not find them through regular rental stores. We contacted Colleen to see if she could help. She supplied us with the seamstress' name who offered to either create new ones or rent these to Ellen. We were so happy to have solved the green runner issue.
We created two large arrangements for the altar. They were used inside at the reception after the ceremony.
We filled these buckets with flowers to mark the family reserved seating. These buckets were also used at her sister's wedding, so it was great to use them again.
The cake was created by Dennis at Chantel's Cakes. Dennis and I have worked together for years. He also offers cakes for those with food allergies. Once again, thanks to Whitehall for always being so beautiful and wonderful to work with.
We loved working on this wedding. Ellen was a super fabulous bride, and I am so happy we got to be her florist.