This bouquet of mini green hydrangea, pink Calla Lily, electra Spray Roses, and two shades of pink Roses was created for my bride Sara. If you look closely, you can see where we pinned a gold locket under the flowers. I love attaching family heirlooms to the bouquet, it seems so sentimental.

  The maids carried clusters of green button Mums,  hot pink Roses, green Carnations, green Spider Mums, and for brown accents, a wrap of Angel Vine.

The mothers carried mini bouquets of raspberry Roses and spray Roses.  I love the mini bouquet instead of a pin on or wrist style corsage.

Here is my bride Sara, she is on the left. Although she is not in her gown she looks lovely. I did the flowers for Sara’s mom several years ago. I was very honored when they came back for another Holly Heider Chapple Flowers bouquet.

We created arrangements for the arbor at the Thomas Birkby House. I love working at this venue everything is always so perfect. The grounds are remarkable and the owners along with their event planner are simply awesome.  When you have a wedding at the Birkby House you can easily slip away with your photographer. In historical downtown Leesburg, your options for really unique photographs is endless.

The groom Tom found these bowls and asked if I could design a centerpiece with them. I loved the way these turned out. We placed a floating candle in the center of each bowl. This centerpiece idea, became a great  budget friendly concept.

This bouquet was created for my bride Amanda. She requested a bouquet of orange Lily, Stargazer Lily and white Roses.  The bouquet was bound with white satin ribbon.

We created bouquets of all white roses for the maids.  I look forward to seeing the professional photo’s on this wedding.

On the family front, my son Riley graduated from 5th grade. We are so proud of this wonderful young man.

The kids danced there way out of the ceremony.

Here is a shot of Elijah and baby Grace.  They are both getting so big.

Here is Sam, you will not see a lot of pictures of him. This child never stands still.

Hope you had a great weekend and a happy father’s day.


  • Maureen Says: (06.22.2009 | 03:06)

    Looks like you are balancing work and family perfectly! Grace is just adorable!

  • Holly Heider Chapple Says: (06.23.2009 | 10:45)

    Thanks Maureen, I wish you were right balance is something I strive for. I have a long way to go. This is a very busy, crazy house.

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    If they’re ever in Lincoln ma Also the Decorvada Musuem and sculpture park is right down the road and place to stop by. Along with Brayer’s house down the lane. You can’t go inside his but you can walk around the neighborhood. So his neighbors weren’t all that upset since it was his friends.

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