This lovely bouquet was created with dark purple callas, hot pink hydrangea from my garden, pink astilbe from Jessie's garden and a type of leucadendron. We collared the bouquet with dark green gardenia leaves. I slammed this bouquet together in seconds, in hopes of providing our mystery photographer with one more bouquet to shoot. Much to my surprise the bouquet photographed famously, proving to me that our mystery photographer is caliente.

When I saw this next picture that our young superstar shot in downtown Leesburg, I knew for sure my girl was on fire!!

Does she have an eye or what?


This bouquet was created by clustering flowers together. There was a section of pink gloriosa lily, a section of yellow billy balls, a section of scabiosa pods, and a section of blue thistle. We collared the front of the bouquet with hot pink celosia and added a hot pink wire with dangling little succulents. This bouquet was beyond hot. 


The parade of bouquets continued when the photographer lined up several of the bouquets and shot them all with her killer lens.

My mystery photographer is super talented and we have many more awesome photos to share with you, coming up soon…

  • Corporate photographer London Says: (07.15.2010 | 07:45)

    love the one with the petals dropping to the floor. Grant

  • Vicki Says: (07.15.2010 | 05:28)

    The cluster bouquet is so….hot!!!!

  • Melissa Cohen Says: (07.16.2010 | 08:10)

    LOVE those photos!!!! your “mystery photographer” has an amazing eye! Let me guess, it’s your second oldest daughter right? her name is escaping me :]

  • Melissa Cohen Says: (07.16.2010 | 08:12)

    shoot. i’m totally wrong. damn! I didn’t read the blog in chronological order!

  • Erin Ries Says: (07.22.2010 | 08:04)

    I’m thinking it’s Abby…but maybe someone already guessed that. Oh, and apparently I can’t spell my name in that last post!

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